
Scholarships are awards given to individuals by the institution in recognition for their achievements, this award is an extra support or a financial aid extended to an individual student scholar, for the purpose of furthering his or her education.

Between the years 2003 to 2009 CAAMN had been training one meritorious trainee annually belonging to the under privileged class by providing 100% fee waiver.

CAAMN now offers attractive scholarships to reward merit, to encourage excellence and to make education accessible to students of all economic strata. The Institute has initiated a thriving tradition of offering various Scholarships every year to meritorious and deserving students.

Smt. Salma Ali Memorial Scholarship:

Every academic year, scholarships are awarded to trainees from the low income group who achieve continuous meritorious academic performance are the key criteria for this scholarship. Commander Ali’s Educational Society has instituted 2 Merit cum Means based scholarships for GP rating students from 2008 in memory of Late Smt. Salma Ali. The objective is to provide financial support to those identified students undergoing GP rating course at CAAMN. Each student undergoing the 6 months GP rating course is given a Scholarship amount of Rs.25,000/- as waiver in Tuition Fee.

Toppers Scholarship:

A seafarer is required to constantly keep undergoing various modular courses, simulator based courses periodically every 5 years, CAAMN offers loyalty discounts to candidates undergoing courses at CAAMN.

The candidate who is awarded the Smt. Salma Ali Memorial Award for All Round Excellence, Commander Syed Turab Ali Memorial Award for Excellence in Academics and Uzma Tahseen Memorial Award for Overall Improvement are eligible for Toppers Scholarship and can avail 25% fee discounts for a life time while undergoing any modular courses and simulator based courses conducted at CAAMN in future.

Scholarship for Female Candidates:

To promote seafaring as a profession for women, CAAMN offers Scholarship to female candidates. 25% Tuition Fee waiver for all courses.

Directors Scholarship:

This scholarship is given to a trainee of CAAMN who secures First Rank in the All India Exit Examination for GP Ratings conducted by Board of Examination Seafarers Trust. A cash award of Rs.25,000/- is given as Directors scholarship.