Commander Ali's Academy of Merchant Navy is registered under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Public Societies Registration Act, 1350 Fasli (Act 1 of 1350 F). The Academy is governed by “Commander Ali's Educational Society”.
Commander S.T.Ali, NM (Retd) along with the members of his family started the Society. The Society, a non-profit organisation, took up the cause of promoting education because it strongly feels that only education can help the poorer and the under-privileged sections of our society to break free from the shackles of poverty and overcome the divide between the haves and the have-nots.
A major difference between the kind of education that this Society aims at promoting, and other institutions is that, we believe it is time that the youth of this country started looking beyond Medicine, Engineering and Information Technology as careers.
Therefore, using the enormous experience of Commander Ali as a seafarer, the Society decided to promote maritime training and Merchant Navy as a career. Today more than 3000 trainees have passed out from under the banner of Commander Ali's Academy of Merchant Navy and are doing well for themselves in the profession. The Society has plans to encourage more such under publicised and under-rated but lucrative professions in the years to come.